Engaging world-class speakers to discuss big issues of faith in contemporary society.
The McDonald Distinguished Public Lecture Series is designed to connect academics, students and the general public with current world issues which impact the way we live and think. FGE engages world-class speakers to discuss life’s big issues such as: Leadership, Human Flourishing, Faith & Life, Power, Love, Hope, Happiness and Work.
Our McDonald Distinguished Public Lecture Series is graciously supported by the McDonald Agape Foundation.
Upcoming Lectures
5 DEC 7PM | Rana Mitter | Christian Narratives in Modern Chinese Politics: from the Taiping to Chiang Kai-shek
Professor Rana Mitter
ST Lee Professor of US-Asia Relations, Harvard Kennedy School
Date: 5 December 2024 (Thur)
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Philip K.H. Wong Theatre, 2/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, University of Hong Kong (Map)
Register (in-person only): https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6R87WbIWgX7JiiG
Christianity was one of the most important cultural influences in China in the modern era. This lecture will examine the different ways that Christian ideas shaped political movements, including the turbulent Taiping movement that nearly brought down the Qing, the shaping of political thinking in institutions such as the YMCA, and the significant impact that Christian thinking had on Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek. Religion and ideology both played a profound role in shaping modern China; this talk will examine the connections between them.
About the Speaker
Rana Mitter is ST Lee Chair in US-Asia Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is the author of several books, including Forgotten Ally: China’s World War II (2013) which won the 2014 RUSI/Duke of Westminster’s Medal for Military Literature, and was named a Book of the Year in the Financial Times and Economist. His latest book is China’s Good War: How World War II is Shaping a New Nationalism (Harvard, 2020). His writing on contemporary China has appeared recently in Foreign Affairs, the Harvard Business Review, The Spectator, The Critic, and The Guardian. He has commented regularly on China in media and forums around the world, including at the World Economic Forum at Davos. His recent documentary on contemporary Chinese politics “Meanwhile in Beijing” is available on BBC Sounds. He is co-author, with Sophia Gaston, of the report “Conceptualizing a UK-China Engagement Strategy” (British Foreign Policy Group, 2020). He won the 2020 Medlicott Medal for Service to History, awarded by the UK Historical Association. He previously taught at Oxford, and is a Fellow of the British Academy.

Past Lectures
- 22 Apr 2024
How to Lead in a Chaotic World
- Dr. Michael Lindsay
Michael Lindsay shared how the world’s prominent leaders navigate Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) in a chaotic world. Michael also spoke with over 400 students and mentors from our Lead for Life (L4L) program on “Hinge Moments in Our Lives” during L4L’s Yearend Celebration.
- 22 Feb 2024
Mathematics for Human Flourishing
- Prof. Francis Su
Francis Su spoke on how mathematics shapes the way people think in building virtues like persistence, creativity and hopefulness – the merits that AI cannot replace. Francis also spoke to almost 300 students and mentors at our L4L Midyear Reunion on “Education as Transformation: Building Virtues Not Just Skills”.
- 8 Nov 2023
Christianity – The Chinese Way
- Prof. Chloë Starr & Dr. Peng Yin
This lecture explored Chinese contributions to Christian thought. The focus was on the understanding of human nature, and how Chinese viewpoints on the human may change and challenge traditional (Western) ideas. How ‘western’ is Christianity? This joint lecture explores Chinese contributions to Christian thought,
- 3 Nov 2023
Shanghai Faithful: The History of Christianity in Modern China through the Lens of One Family
- Jennifer Lin
Jennifer Lin discussed the researching and writing of her family story which encapsulated the unique evolution of Christianity in China over five generations. (153 registrants). Jennifer also spoke with a journalism class at HKU on the process and lessons learned in the writing of Shanghai Faithful.
- 5 Oct 2023
Leading with Character: Why Character Matters and How to Develop It.
- Dr. Edward Brooks
This lecture was based on a decade of research at the Oxford Character Project. It explored why character was essential for a flourishing life and successful leadership, and provided practical strategies for its development. Have you ever wondered why some leaders excel while others struggle,
- 16 Feb 2023
The Power of Meditation
- Fr. Laurence Freeman
Laurence Freeman shared how we can practice a simple and powerful daily meditation for personal and organisational transformation especially when we are facing life’s uncertainties and pressures. Father Laurence also spoke to over two hundred students and mentors at L4L’s Midyear Reunion on the topic of “Leadership and Meditation” as well as met with the head of HKU’s MBA program.
- 29 October 2018
Of Apes and Artificial Minds: What Does It Mean to be Human?
- Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass
Facing the hope and risks of artificial intelligence technology, both science and theology call us to remember our origins as we contemplate the future. Dr. Swamidass, a scientist and a physician, had his exceptional view on how new technology played an important role in sciences.
- 12 October 2018
Science and Religion: New Perspectives on an Old Conflict
- Prof. Peter Harrison
The conflict between science and religion seems indelible, even eternal. But this is not the case. In this lecture, Prof. Harrison, a leading historian and philosopher of science, dismantled what we thought we knew about the two categories, then put it all back together again in a provocative, productive new way.
- 28 January 2019
Can We Save Our World? Religion and Ecology
- Prof. John Milbank
Prof. John Milbank talked about how the idea of creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing) found in Judaism, Christianity and Islam could help us rethinked our role and responsibilities as human beings in relation to the ecological crisis. If it is us human beings who have put the world into a crisis, it is only us who can save it.
- 11 March 2019
Like?: Social Media and Happiness
- Dr. Donna Freitas
What does it mean to have a healthy relationship with social media and our smartphones? In this lecture, Donna Freitas addressed the major findings of her national (USA) study – from happiness and the “professionalization” of social media. Freitas invited us to think about how we can respond to the issues that social media and our smartphones raise.