Past Research:
This research project investigated the interrelationships between science and religion. The research was successfully completed in July 2022. Faith and Global Engagement has clustered the research information in an archive website.

Albertus Magnus Expounding his Doctrines of Physical Science by Ernest Board
This research project investigated the interrelationships between science and religion. The research was successfully completed in July 2022. Faith and Global Engagement has clustered the research information in an archive website.
Albertus Magnus Expounding his Doctrines of Physical Science by Ernest Board
Faith and Science was a 6-year (Dec 2015 – Nov 2018 and Jul 2019 – Jul 2022) research project funded by Templeton World Charity Foundation. The research investigated the interrelationships between science and religion. We work with academics from across Hong Kong, drawn from natural and social sciences, engineering, theology and philosophy. By cultivating interdisciplinary discussions, we have facilitated a process of mutual transformation by which religion can enrich science and science can enrich religion.