Historical Chinese Christian poster by anonymous

Ongoing Research Cluster:


CiC Research Lab

(Christianity in China Research Lab)

The establishment of the Research Lab is to facilitate multi- and cross-disciplinary research at HKU and beyond on Christianity’s interactions with various key aspects of Chinese societies during different historical periods since its arrival in China in the 7th century. It is devoted especially to exploring the relationship between Christianity and the modernisation process of China in the early modern and modern periods. It aims to build a global network of collaborators from academia and beyond to strengthen and develop the field of the history of Christianity in Chinese society. We seek to interact with scholars conducting research in architectural, art, colonial, cultural, economic, gender, quantitative, religious, social, transnational, and urban and planning history; heritage studies, and religious studies, and together contribute to a broader and deeper understanding of the roles of Christianity in the making of modern China. 


Inaugural Lecture

The McDonald Faith & Global Engagement Distinguished Lecture Series 

“Christian Narratives in Modern Chinese Politics: from the Taiping to Chiang Kai-shek”

Professor Rana Mitter, S T Lee Professor of US-China Relations, Harvard Kennedy School

Thursday 5 December 2024

19:00 – 20:30 

Philip K H Wong Theatre, HKU

Christianity in China Seminar Series

Date & Time: Friday 28 February 2025, 11:00 – 12:30 

Venue: Room 201, 2/F, May Hall, HKU

Speaker: Professor Zhijie Kang, School of Marxism, Hubei University

Topic: “Research on Tax-payers: A Neglected Dimension in the History of Chinese Catholicism/ 納稅人研究:中國天主教史一個被忽視的維度”

Mode: in person

Date & Time: Friday 21 March 2025, 11:00 – 12:30 

Venue: Room 201, 2/F, May Hall, HKU

Speaker: Dr Ruizhong Ding, Institute for Religious Studies, Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences

Topic: “The Cross on A Stele — A Glimpse into the Indigeneous Characteristics of Catholic Inscriptions in the Guanzhong Region during the Ming & Qing/石碑上的十字架 — 明清關中地區天主教碑刻當地語系化特色管窺”

Mode: in person

Date & Time: Friday 25 April 2025, 16:00 – 17:30

Venue: Room 201, 2/F, May Hall, HKU 

Speaker: Dr Dirk U. Moench, Fuzhou University & INUCE (a Swiss architectural firm)

Topic: “Christian Ideals, Missionary Contexts: A Typology of Church Buildings in Treaty-Port Fuzhou (1848 – 1949)”

(A joint seminar talk with the Flourishing Cities: Past, Present, and Future Project)

Mode: mixed