Christianity in China Research Lab Seminar Series
“納稅人” 研究:中國天主教史一個被忽視的維度
The Taxpayer: A Neglected Dimension of Chinese Catholic History
康志杰教授 Prof. KANG Zhijie
Date: 28 February 2025 (Fri)
Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm
Venue: Room 201, 2/F, May Hall, HKU
Catholicism is the strictest type of institutional religion. Previous studies have mostly focused on religious transmission, while economic activities have been ignored. Positioning the Catholic identity as a “taxpayer” and conducting analysis and discussion are of great value and significance for clarifying the complex relationships between religion and the state, religion and ethnic groups, understanding changes in the traditional Chinese fiscal system, and analysing the thorny relationship between politics and religion.
About the Speaker

康志杰,香港漢語基督教文化研究所訪問學者,暨南大學澳門研究院特聘研究員,湖北大學歷史文化學院教授。主要從事基督宗教來華史研究,已出版學術專著多部,發表論文百餘篇。代表作有:《鄂西北磨盤山天主教社區研究》(意大利馬切拉塔利瑪竇研究中心、中國香港原道交流中心聯合出版2013年);《基督的新娘:中國天主教貞女研究》(中國社科出版社,2013年);《中國天主教財務經濟研究(1582-1949)》(人民出版社,2019年)等。 Kang Zhijie is Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies in Hong Kong; Distinguished Researcher at the Macao Research Institute of Jinan University; and Professor of History at the School of History and Culture, Hubei University. She has published eight academic monographs and more than 90 academic papers, including Research on the Catholic Community in Mopanshan, Northwest Hubei (2013); The Bride of Christ: Research on Chinese Catholic Virgins (2013); and Research on Chinese Catholic Finance and Economics (1582–1949) (2019).